The mind trap.. for doing nothing

Asmaa Omar
2 min readMar 10, 2019


Our minds have tricks to convince us not to do our work. If you had an important appointment, got to finish a report or even update your journal You’ll notice one of the following symptoms: feeling sleepy ,depressed , finding something that used to be hard to do , interesting like cleaning.

Don’t worry here are some strategies get over all this miss:

Make a day of it

If you had this stinky task that you got to do, but you can’t get yourself to get up and finish it, you can create an atmosphere to trick your self into working. Make a cup of coffee or tea, clear your working area or clean your room, you even can play some music. Change your workspace to get your self into the mood of working.

Think of post-finishing

Put in your mind the feelings you’ll get once you finish.The ease of mind you’ll get and the free time you’ll deserve eventually.You will clear your schedule for reading or to watching favorite show.

Don’t get your self into this situation

Write a list of the tasks you need to do while you are in your job or while you in the working mentality and try to finish them as soon as you can without thinking of the process.

Getting over your brain tricks a tricky job , but over thinking makes it even harder.Try as possible to finish all your tasks as they come . This will clear your schedule give you more free time.

